Monica MorettiManager

Monica Moretti is a lawyer specialising in the construction sector. She participates in the activities of CastaldiPartners' Construction industry.


After gaining experience in a law firm specialising in corporate law and business crisis, Monica Moretti took on the role of Counsel in one of Italy's largest companies in the field of foundations, special underground constructions and micro tunnels, dealing with tenders, contracts and litigation.

Monica brings to the Construction team of CastaldiPartners the experience she has gained as a company counsel. Her working languages are English and Italian.


Representative Matters

  • Assisted to a group of companies in the Construction sector in an extraordinary transaction in the context of the development and industrial reconversion of the Port of Trieste.
  • Advised port terminal companies in the drafting and review of commercial contracts.
  • Drafting, reviewing and negotiating public and private tender contracts under both Italian and international law.
  • Consultancy in the drafting and revision of public-private partnership proposals.
  • Drafting, reviewing and negotiating commercial contracts.
  • Assistance in updating Models 231.
  • Advice on privacy, data processing, and the updating of whistleblowing systems.  


  • Università di Udine
Monica Moretti
Monica MorettiManager