Federico UbertisCounsel

A member of the Milan Bar since 2010, Federico Ubertis deals, both as counsel and litigator, with national and international labour law, industrial relations, assistance in executive labour relations, partnership and agency agreements.


A law graduate of the Università Cattolica di Milano, Federico Ubertis gained significant experience in leading Italian law firms specialising in employment law. He has over ten years' experience in all aspects of human resources and labour relations within companies, assisting both international groups and medium-sized businesses.

Federico Ubertis is also involved in the adoption of restructuring plans and the analysis of social risks in the context of business transactions and transfers. He works in Italian, French and English.

Representative Matters

  • Assistance to Italian and multinational companies in union reduction procedures and for the activation of social safety nets (main sectors: tertiary, engineering, telecommunications, chemical and pharmaceutical).
  • Assistance to a multinational metalworking company for the restructuring of its sales network.
  • Assistance in the start-up phase, for employment law aspects, of a real estate brokerage company.
  • Assistance in the acquisition process of an Italian company by a French company in the credit sector.
  • Assistance to an Italian bank in the drafting of the Information in accordance with the privacy legislation and on the remote controls of its employees on the company's software and work tools.
  • Assistance to an American multinational company in the furniture-design sector in the reorganization procedure of the personnel present in several Italian offices.
  • Assistance to an Italian company in the telecommunications sector for the introduction of an incentive-related remuneration system linked to welfare.

Speaking Engagements

  • Speaker at numerous conferences, seminars and webinars on employment law.

Academic Activities

  • Teaching at the Employment Law Specialization School of the Order of Chartered Accountants of Milan.


  • Scuola di alta formazione in diritto del lavoro, sindacale e della previdenza sociale, AGI (Avvocati Giuslavoristi Italiani), 2013-2014
  • Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano, Laurea magistrale in Giurisprudenza, 2007
Federico Ubertis
Federico UbertisCounsel
+39 328 03 506 73