Smart Contracts in the new era of digitalization: an opportunity or a utopia?
On June 23 at 11h15, Gaspare Dori of CastaldiPartners, and Maurizio Davi, founder of T-Lab SCF, business consultant and creator of some solutions based on the blockchain, will animate the next Incontro di via Savona.
The Covid-19 crisis forced companies to rethink their organizational and development model, in many cases accelerating the digitization processes. Among these, some tools such as Smart Contracts seem to be able to improve some key corporate functions, to allow gains in efficiency and in reducing business risks.
In our meeting we will discuss the different issues that arise in the application of Smart Contracts and we will try to highlight their advantages and drawbacks, to understand if we are in the presence of a real opportunity or a futuristic utopia.
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The meeting will be held in Italian in livestream. We would be grateful if you could send us in advance, at the time of registration, any questions or subjects that you would like to discuss during the livestream.